Social Service at Klaten
drh. Anastascia
ABC Clinic
24 - 25 September 2016

Event Description
In September 24 - 25, 2016 Our team did charity activity in Klaten, Central Java. This program involve neutering and spaying by providing low cost to owner who have low income and especially for domestic cat. The cost for neutering is $4 and spaying $10. In addition, we offer 100 free rabies vaccination for 100 cats, primary vaccination for cat and dog. This activity was helped by volunteer vets from Klaten, purworejo and yogya, it worked so good. We collaborated with Dr. Anastascia, and took place at her small animal clinic, ABC Clinic. Our founder shared her skill in new technique of spaying to all vet volunteer. While spaying, they learned together to spay with fast and efficient technique. This charity had got permission by Indonesian Veterinary Medical Association (IVMA) branch Central Java IV and Animal husbandry department of Klaten. It’s presented by chief of section Animal husbandry department, and we could finished all activities very well.