Fund for medical treatment
Our foundation provides a chance for five (5) patient in clinic which have no good financial to get medical treatment or surgery treatment in collaborated with march Animal Clinic. All cost are paid by foundation for 5 patients every month, both in Jakarta and Bogor. The owner need to show letter of financial incompetence from village chief or neighbourhood leader as a requirement to get full payment for their pet. We hope from this aid, they feel our support to save their pet and they are not alone who loves animal so much.
Artikel Fund for medical treatment
Fore limb amputation in cat
Someone found a cat on the street with broken fore limb (left side) and skin necrose. We found fracture in radius-ulna bone. This cat lover got communication with Dr Susab, the owner of Pejaten shelter to pay all the cost. Our foundation supported them with paying 50% from all the fee, include surgery procedure, boarding and medicines in March Animal Clinic.
Defect on Palate
A cat got accident on the street, which there were broken hard palatum in mouth and also lower jaw fracture. The cat was so weakness, difficult to breath, difficult to eat and drink, bleeding around mouth and nose.
Cat Amputation
Once upon a time, a woman left a sick cat in clinic with broken leg. Cat was so weakness and it couldn’t walk like usual. The owner didn’t have money to pay the bill. So our foundation paid all surgery treatment and the medicine until health.