Shelter Medical Services and Pet Food Donation
This program offer fund about 50% of surgery cost for shelter that registered in our foundation. We understand about shelter financial condition, sometimes have limit of fund to running activities in the shelter. Our foundation also donate pet food to some shelters.There are some requirements to shelter that need this aid, such as :
a. Register their shelter in this link below
b. Shelter must have proper location and management
c. Allow us to show the information about the patient in this website
Artikel Shelter Medical Services and Pet Food Donation

Food Donation to Ayang-Ayang Shelter, Cinere
On April 12, 2018 out foundation supply cat food to ayang-ayamg shelter, which is located in Megacinere, Cinere Depok. Mrs. menik is the owner of the shelter and she look after about 165 cats. Hope, this little aid can help them to reduce the monthly cost to buy food.