The most common of skin disease that is caused by parasite or mange in pet is scabiosis. It caused by mange which can’t see directly but only using microscope. Scabiosis in dog is caused by Sarcoptes scabiei, while in cat Notoedres cati. This is a treatable medical condition, but is highly contagious for other animals and humans by skin contact or using same clothes in all stages.
The picture of Sarcoptes scabiei
This mite will burrow through the skin causing intense itching and irritation. The scratching that results from mange is what causes the majority of the animal hair’s to fall out. Especially in cat, the skin will become thickened, wrinkled, and covered with grayish or yellow crust aourd ear and finger. This condition decrease body defence and make cachexia. Poor condition will be fatal for the infected animal.
This picture below show infected cat and dog
Treatment for scabiosis include oral or injection anti mite in veterinary clinic. Don’t wait until your pet have thickened crust on ear or finger, moreover all body. I will waste time to recovery and longer process. Severe scabiosis can make collapse status or critical condition of your pet. Prevention is the best accomplish by washing our hand after contact with infected cat. Using desinfectan to eliminate the parasite and also clean the clothes or bedding which have been used your pet.